What Is More Important Than Your Family's Health?
Finding a health care provider that you trust to care for you and your family is not easy when there is one on every corner – especially when they all seem the same and offer the same “traditional”, corporate, cookie-cutter care.
At Toronto Corrective Chiropractic (TCC) we are different! We are also proud to be home to some of the Best Chiropractors in Toronto
We believe in fixing the root causes of health problems rather than just treating the symptoms themselves.
We believe that every case is different because each person and their needs are different. There is no cookie cutter solution for all cases!
We believe that your doctor should actually CARE about that happens to you! Empathy, compassion, dedication, professionalism and excellence are our highest values.
We believe that chiropractic is for everyone but we are not everyone’s chiropractor. Chiropractic is an incredible tool to optimize how the body works in your demanding world – so our approach is different! In the end, no one really wants a Band-Aid solution for their health.
We believe that trust is perhaps the most important quality in a health care provider. We are an independently owned/operated office that is more family than corporation. Your health is always our foremost priority.

Our Toronto Corrective Chiropractic Team
Dr Alex Ritza
Clinic Owner and Lead Clinician
Dr Mateusz Krekora
Associate Corrective Chiropractor
Team Leader – Officer Manager

What To Expect When You Visit TCC
We always start with a Complimentary Case Review. You will get the chance to meet your doctor, ask any questions you might have about us and our process and if we think an examination is warranted we can move forward.
We take the time to review your case & test results to see if we can help you. We always book a follow up visit to review your results and provide you with a thorough report of the Core Problem(s) and how to address them.
Our process is nothing if not comprehensive. Our NeuroStructural Examination and when there is a problem, NeuroStructural Restoration Method delivered from some of the best chiropractors in Toronto. We conduct a thorough head-to-toe examination with every patient and provide Corrective Case and self-guided strategies to get your body healthy again. Your body is meant to be healthy and we will always try to show you the way and not just provide a Band-Aide fix.
Expect to be warmly greeted and be seen on time. We respect your time and always want our space to be conducive to the recovery process