BEST Sciatic Treatment Toronto | Sciatica Toronto

Sciatica is not a diagnosis! Having sciatica is like having a headache; there are hundreds of causes of that head pain symptom. The key to finding the best sciatic treatment in Toronto requires you to find the actual cause of the sciatica. Our Yorkville Chiropractors at Toronto Corrective Chiropractic pride ourselves in providing expert sciatic treatment because we excel at using our unique NeuroStructural Examination to find the actual problem with the body that leads to collateral damage like weakness, stiffness, immobility and sciatica
When we hear sciatica during one of our Complimentary Case Reviews, we know a patient is experiencing pain that travels down the back or side of the leg but we don’t know what part of the body is the root cause until we have a chance to examine them. It is very difficult to provide the best sciatica treatment in Toronto until we find what is actually causing it.
Find The Cause of Sciatica To Find The Best Sciatica Treatment in Toronto | Sciatica Toronto
Many bony, muscular, ligamentous and neurological structures in the low back (lumbar spine) and hips are pain-sensitive and can lead to local pain and sciatica. We use the 15+ tests that are part of our NeuroStructural Examination to identify what part(s) of the body and spine are unhealthy and need to be corrected.
Having a good indication of the involved structures helps the good chiropractor determine what specific techniques should be used, what structures to target, what exercises to complete and ultimately how to provide the best relief with sciatica treatment in Toronto.
What Causes Sciatica
This list is not comprehensive but lists some of the major categories of problems that than cause sciatica symptoms.

Lumbar spine joint and muscle trigger point pain
Pain originating from the muscles and joints of the low back, pelvis and, or hip can cause sciatica-like symptoms. Muscle, joint or ligament pain that travels from the lower back is sclerotogenous referral , commonly called “referred pain”. It does not usually travel past the back of the knee and almost is never referred back to the ankle to the foot.
This type of pain generally is described as being local, of low or medium pain intensity, rarely of a burning or electric character. It is usually dull, aching, stiff or sharp. Referred pain can happen when the low back tissues are very irritated but usually is reported to occur over a broad area of the lower back or a focal pain off of the midline.
Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) Pain Causing Sciatica

The SIJ, between the ilium (hip bone) and the sacrum (upper tail bone), can cause sciatica into the back of the upper thigh.
It more commonly produces pain over the buttock but can travel down into the thigh – generally not below the knee. Referred pain from the sacroiliac joint causing sciatica can also travel to the groin but not the genitals.
Discogenic Low back pain
Discogenic pain originates from nerves that provide sensation to the vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs, spinal canal and other very central structures.

Straining (laughing, sneezing, straining), and activities requiring flexion and bending typically aggravate the disc. It is thought these injuries result from a tear of the annular fibres around the intervertebral discs or from a vertical disc herniation.

Discogenic pain is most often midline and is known to cause sciatic pain travelling as far as the ankle. Chiropractic care and acupuncture combined with the right corrective exercises can be a very effective treatment for this condition
Sciatic Nerve Pain
True “sciatica” arrises from irritation of the sciatic nerve. This is typically described as excrutation, lancating, burning and/or shooting pain that arises from the buttocks and travels down the back of the thigh, leg and bottom of the foot. We rarely see this condition in our office except in the very rare case of piriformis syndrome.

This is a term to indicate pain down the side of the hip, into the thigh, and potentially the side of the leg and foot. While it can be sharp, often indicating a L3 or L4 radiculopathy or nerve root impingement, it is usually perceived as dull, achy, difficult to localize and broad. Possible causes include trigger points in the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus or quadratus lumbroum, greater trochanteric pain syndrome (commonly known as hip bursistis), occasionally osteoarthritis if reproduced with hip movement, and other less likely causes. A thorough physical exam and history taking is essential in differentiating the cause of this commonly seen condition.
Hip Osteoarthritis
Hip osteoarthritis can produce posterior buttock, and, or pelvic pain in a smaller number of cases often with associated hip pain. It will generally be of a dull ache character and can be constant but will be primarily associated with hip movement.
Non-mechanical back pain
Albeit very rare, in 3%-5% of cases low back pain may arise from organs of the abdomen or pelvis including the colon, kidneys, aorta, reproductive organs, pancreas, or from serious conditions like cancer, infections or inflammatory arthritis. These cases are few and far between but can be serious if not given the proper medical attention. Significant bodily changes or symptoms like these might necessitate a need to seek medical advice.