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Neck Hump Treatment in Toronto | Kyphosis Treatment in Toronto

Neck Hump Treatment Toronto | Kyphosis Treatment Toronto

Neck Hump Treatment in Toronto | Kyphosis Treatment in Toronto

Neck Hump Fix Toronto | Kyphosis Treatment Toronto
Fix the health of this part of the spine to fix or prevent your neck hump | Neck Hump Fix Toronto

Poor posture is rarely the actual problem. It is usually the symptom of a problem with the spine. If you are looking for help in finding the best neck hump treatment in Toronto or the best kyphosis treatment in Toronto this blog is going to help you understand the root cause and how to go about correcting it.

Excessive rounding at the top of the thoracic (mid back) spine and base of the cervical (neck) spine is often called a Dowager’s or Buffalo hump. This reflects a chronic change and poor spine health in this area of the spine. It can be remedied but often requires a substantial investment of time and care. This is especially true when there are trophic       (colour, hair, fat) changes in the skin over the spine (see below).

The key to addressing this condition is to address the underlying health of the spine in this area of the body and not simply to “strengthen the spine” or “improve your posture “. Improving the health of the spine on a cellular level is essential to addressing this problem.

Neck Hump Fix Toronto | Kyphosis Treatment Toronto: WHY THESE HUMPS HAPPEN

The best neck hump treatment in Toronto or elsewhere should focus on improving the underlying cause of this issue: poor spine health.

Most patients initially think that the spine rounds with age but if that were true it would happen to everyone as they ago! This clearly is not the case.

posture correction Toronto | kyphosis treatment Toronto

Neck hump treatment toronto | Kyphosis treatment Toronto
Note this patient’s anterior neck/spinal shift. The rounding of this patient’s spine is a good indication of poor spinal health – especially in the presence of trophic changes and excessive soft tissue deposition at the base of the neck

Other than disease states like Scheuermann’s Disease or a spinal fracture, rounding or excessive kyphosis of the spine results from poor joint health. Whether resulting from blunt trauma (car accident/sports injury) or repetitive strain from tasks like desk work and texting, spine joints can become irritated/dysfunctional and stop moving properly. In our office, we call these spinal “shifts”, which reflect a joint whose movement is limited or a joint that is rotated/shifted to a very small degree.

If these shifted joints do not have their normal motion restored through stretching/exercise or by a chiropractic correction, this can become the new normal for the affected spine joints over time. The consequence of a chronic joint shift is local muscle spasm, altered nerve function both locally and between the brain. There can also be altered blood flow to the area.

If these changes go unaddressed for months or years then the muscle spasm and the altered nerve activity and blood flow can become more dramatic and effectively “spread” away from the initial joints to adjacent areas of the spine. These affected joints tend to lose the ability to extend backwards and slowly adopt a forward-curved position (kyphosis).     This is because of both local changes at the joint and also from altered nerve signalling from the brain to the spinal postural muscles that no longer hold the spine up straight.

Dowagers Hump Treatment Toronto
Unhealthy spine joints result in muscle spasm, altered blood flow, poor nerve function and restricted spinal movement. If left unaddressed, the spine will tend to SHIFT forward. When this shift occurs at the base of the neck, these humps can develop.

Those patients who suffer repetitive microtrauma to the base of the neck from office work can see the entire upper half of their mid back’s health deteriorate and worsen over the years. On examination, we might find 6-10 joint segments with little to no joint movement contributing to the forward shift and rounding of the spine.

Neck hump treatment toronto | Trophic changes
The increased fat/soft tissue accumulation at the peak of this rounded hump represents trophic changes. Altered neurovascular health resulting from poor spine health can cause local changes in the skin pictured here or excessive hair growth and/or skin colour changes

If poor spine health is present for long enough, the altered nerve and blood flow to the area can result in trophic changes. These are the increased fat deposition, growth of excessive hair, skin texture and colour changes that often develop in association with these “humps”. They represent very chronic changes in the spine’s health at a cellular level.

Trophic changes will often present along with other metabolic disorders, the most extreme being diabetes and thyroid conditions – but not always.

We think we provide the best neck hump treatment in Toronto and the best kyphosis treatment in Toronto because our NeuroStructural Restoration Process is meant to bring back normal movement of the spine and fix the Core Problem.


This cycle occurs when dysfunctional spine joints affect the brain-body connections which further puts the spine at risk of dysfunction pain and injury. Over months and years, this cycle can result in shifting of the spine and a dramatic thoracic and cervical kyphosis

Whether you are looking to prevent or fix this issue the approach is simple the path is difficult:

  1. Get these unhealthy spine joints moving
  2. Keep them moving
  3. Restore normal tissue health to the spinal tissues

Especially in the prevention phase exercises like the cat camel or those highlighted in the video above are excellent for maintaining the spine’s ability to extend backwards which Will help to preserve the joint movements maintain local blood flow and the brain’s ability to hold the spine upright and stacked up with the postural muscles of the spine.

We often find that those who are looking for neck hump treatment in Toronto or the best kyphosis treatment in Toronto require additional Corrective Chiropractic Care to achieve the results they want promptly. If dysfunction at the spine joints has progressed to the point where the brain-body connection is affected and the brain is no longer able to control the affected joints and muscles, manual therapy might be necessary beyond exercise to correct the problem.

POSTURE FIX TORONTO | POSTURE CORRECTION TORONTOOnce the brain has lost the ability to control, extend and strengthen the upper back because of poor proprioception (control/awareness of the body) it will either take an exponential amount of time to fix the problem by yourself or require manual intervention to restore normal spine health.

If we find an underlying problem with the spine during our NeuroStructural Examination we will move forward with Corrective Care with a patient if we think we can help them achieve their goals and improve their spine health and structure. During this Corrective Care process, we use a combination of specific chiropractic corrections (adjustments), NeuroAcupuncture, and our unique Core Curriculum Corrective Exercise Program to improve the foundational health of the spine and nervous system and address the underlying cause of postural distortion.

Over weeks to months, this program helps to restore normal spinal health at a joint-by-joint level. Our education empowers our practice members to maintain their spine health with a daily routine of movements to ensure that those spinal corrections are maintained and they do not regress to where they started.

When considering a plan for neck hump treatment in Toronto or the best kyphosis treatment in Toronto, be aware that long-lasting posture and structural changes in the spine typically take months to achieve and not days and weeks.

Especially when it comes to posture and spine health an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of care. Building a regular spine care routine to prevent or minimize the risk of these issues cropping up is paramount. The Instagram post below is also a great place to start.

if you have tried fixing this problem yourself without success or want an expert opinion on prevention or the fastest car possible please do not hesitate to reach out for a Complementary Case Review.

  • Dr Alex